wow... words cannot begin to describe the beauty, magnificence, and damn fun this wedding was! i must say this is the most elegant & enjoyable wedding i have ever had the pleasure of attending. the weather could not have been any better in san diego, what with the clear blue skies and warm mid-70 degree temperatures. if you have never seen the usd campus, you must do so on your next trip down south. beautiful white buildings surround lush landscaping and fountians, with a view of the hills on one side and the bright blue of the pacific on the other. the church itself is straight up gorgeous, with it's impressive height & architectural detail. no other name is as fitting as the "immaculata..."
the breathtaking beauty did not end with the church. what a way to show off the color scheme of the wedding through the attire of the bridal party. each bridesmaid wore a different variation of brown (and in at least one case, variations of browns) in a different dress cut & style and the vests and ties of the males were a rich, bronze color. the bride was a stunning vision in the most beautiful couture gown i have ever seen on a real bride. it's hard to describe how beautiful the entourage looked without seeing it for yourself...
the most astonishing aspect of this wedding is how much of it represented both abbie & brian. naturally creative & artistic, you can see their presence in every piece of the wedding. not only did they pay careful attention to the aesthetic details but they also attended to the details of ensuring that each participant & guest felt comfortable & honored to be part of the event. not only were we able to celebrate abbie & brian but we were also able to celebrate "ourselves" as important people on their important day.
more pictures will follow but with high anticipation for a view of the pics (namely from me, i admit!), eddie was excited to post just a few of the highlights. i think we're all still recovering from such a smashing success of a wedding. congrats to you both, abbie & brian!
//ed pingol
--- on the way to church ---
The wedding is beautiful! You are so talented.
Eddie, you're very talented! If you ever need an assistant or want to start a photo biz...maybe for pet photography, let me know. :) We could do it!
I stumbled onto your site by accident. You are one of the best photographers I've ever seen.
those pictures are just BEaUtiful! You are really talented! You can do my wedding!
it was sooo much fun!! i miss you guys already!
I truly had an amazing time! This was the best wedding I had ever been to. I truly enjoyed meeting everyone at the weeding and had an incredible 80's dancing experience. Love THE WORK! LOVE YOU ALL!
eddie, your pictures are so good. :)
-steph chuuu
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